花藝師:凌宗湧, CN Flower藝術總監
siu siu Lab, Taipei, 2015-2016

花在哪裡綻放,就去那花開的地方旅行。」- 凌宗湧。



Journey with flowers
Artist: Alfie Lin, art director of CNFlower
siu siu Lab, Taipei, 2015-2016

Where the flowers bloom, go there and let it be your journey with flowers.” - Alfie Lin.

In a collection of workshops which shows the beauty of Taiwan wildness, the art director of CN flowers, Alfie Lin, follows the message of flowers into the woods. The ferns, defoliations, shells of cicadas, wild miscanthuses, and wild cherry blossoms are all materials of his art works.

Through travelling to different regions, people can be relax and stimulate their creativity. In the concept of ‘Journey with flowers’, Alfie Lin sees ‘flowers’ as an important subject in a trip. Moreover, through the process of chasing local blossoms, travelers can locally experience the cultural customs and different nature aesthetics. It’s also a true relaxation for participants themselves.

Worshop in Autumn, 2016
Workshop in Autumn, 2015

凌宗湧 Alfie Lin
CN Flower創辦人與藝術總監

2013 年 『杭州富春山居花藝』晶麒麟年度最佳空間花藝設計主角獎
2014 年 臺灣陳設藝術菁英獎
2014 年 The TID Award of Space Installation Art 臺灣室內設計大獎 空間裝飾藝術類