植物藝術家:廖浩哲 / 駐地期間作品


花 / 草 / 苔 / 石 / 蕨 / 地衣 / 夢 / 影 / 網 / 漂浮 / 植物藝術家廖浩哲在少少駐地的六個月中,打理周邊植物,學習與自然共居,透過這段時間的觀察,浩哲將他所理解的環境場域與人之間的想像帶入少少的空間內,呈現出既夢幻又充滿野性的靈魂場所。

Reproduce moss in the shadow
Botanical art artist: Hao-Jhe Liao, work pieces during his residency in siu siu Lab, 2016

‘I showed myself silently, softly, slowly and honestly to the forest. The growth and death of plants, animals, insects forming a continuously circle of life. Weather, temperature, moisture, wind, mud, never have been the same. I tried to adopt all the beauty and uncertainty of nature here.’ – Hao-Jhe Liao

Flower / Grass / Moss / Stone / Lichen / Dream / Shadow / Nets / Floating / The botanical Art artist Hao-Jhe had been a resident in siu siu Lab for 6 months in 2016, spending his time here living with the nature. Through his observation, he transformed his imagination in siu siu Lab, presented surreal, wild, and soulful art works.

Photo by Hao Jhe Liao & siu siu / Video by siu siu